Service Agreement

Tour Service Agreement
Article 1: Definition and Scope
1.1 This agreement between the parties sets out the terms of the daily tour and accommodation services offered by the Travel Agency. Tour includes trips and activities to be carried out on a certain date and duration. Accommodation refers to the accommodation service to be provided during the tour.
1.2 The Travel Agency undertakes to provide tour and accommodation services on the specified dates and schedule. However, unexpected circumstances, weather conditions, natural disasters or force majeure may affect the fulfilment of the contract. In this case, the Travel Agency is obliged to inform the buyer as soon as possible and make alternative arrangements.
Article 2: Tour and Accommodation Services
2.1 The Travel Agency shall organise the excursions and activities in accordance with the specified tour programme. The tour programme includes tour start and end dates, places to visit, activities, transfers and other relevant details.
2.2 Accommodation service means the provision of a suitable accommodation facility to the buyer during the tour. The type of accommodation facility, its standards, room type and other details are specified in the tour programme.
2.3 The Buyer must provide the Travel Agency with accurate and complete information required for the tour and accommodation services. This information must include the number of participants, special requests, health status, dietary requirements and other relevant details. The Travel Agent will plan and fulfil the tour and accommodation services based on this information.
2.4 The Travel Agency is obliged to inform the buyer as soon as possible in case of any delay, disruption or change that may occur during the tour and accommodation process. It also undertakes to make suitable alternative arrangements in case of emergency.
2.5 The Buyer is obliged to comply with the instructions of the guide or tour operator during the tour and accommodation process. It is the buyer's responsibility to comply with the specified times, meeting points and other requirements in the tour programme in a timely manner.
Article 3: Fee and Payment
3.1 The fee for tour and accommodation services must be agreed in advance between the parties. The fee may be set depending on the tour programme, type of accommodation, type of room, number of participants and other factors. In addition, taxes, fees, extra services and other additional costs may be included in the fee or determined separately.
3.2 Payment terms are subject to agreement between the parties. Payment can generally be made before the tour and accommodation services or after the service is provided, or a different arrangement can be made. Payment methods and instalment options are as on the website
3.3 Cancellation and Refund Policies
3.3.1 If the Buyer wishes to cancel any of the tour or accommodation services, he/she must notify the Travel Agency in writing or by e-mail. Cancellation requests will be effective as of the date of notification.
3.3.2 In the event of cancellation, the buyer will be subject to the following cancellation conditions: a) For cancellations made up to 20 days prior to the start of the tour, the buyer will be refunded the full amount paid. b) For cancellations made up to 15 days prior to the start of the tour, the buyer will be refunded 50% of the amount paid. c) For cancellations made 10 days or less prior to the start of the tour, no refund will be made.
3.3.3 The Travel Agency reserves the right to make changes in tour or accommodation services in line with mandatory conditions (weather conditions, natural disasters, political events, etc.) or the policies of the providers. In case of such changes, the Travel Agency reserves the right to offer the buyer an alternative tour or accommodation option.
3.3.4 In the event of cancellation or change of tour or accommodation services, the Buyer agrees to review whether he/she has purchased any insurance policy and the cancellation or refund policies of the insurance company.
Article 4: Limitations of Liability
4.1 The Travel Agency endeavours to provide tour and accommodation services in the best possible manner. However, its responsibilities arising from any disruption, loss, injury, material damage or other unfavourable situation are limited.
4.2 The Travel Agency cannot be held responsible for the activities of third party service providers (hotels, transport companies, guides, etc.) involved in the tour and accommodation process. The Buyer must accept the conditions and responsibilities of these third party service providers.
4.3 The Buyer accepts any risk and danger in the tour and accommodation process. The Travel Agency is not responsible for the health condition and other safety precautions of the buyer. The Buyer is personally responsible for the safety and health of himself and other accompanying persons during the tour and accommodation.
Article 5: Dispute Resolution
5.1 In the event of any dispute between the Parties, it is intended to reach an agreement through negotiations in good faith. The parties mutually undertake to take a constructive approach to resolve the dispute.
5.2 If no agreement is reached as a result of negotiations, the parties agree to resort to Turkish Law and the relevant judicial authorities. The courts of Antalya (or other designated city) are authorised for the settlement of the dispute.
Article 6: Other Provisions
6.1 This contract contains the full agreement between the parties and the terms of the tour and accommodation services. The parties are deemed to have understood, accepted and signed every provision of this contract.
6.2 This contract may not be assigned or transferred to a third party without the written consent of the parties.
6.3 This agreement is governed by Turkish Law and shall be interpreted and applied together with other relevant laws and regulations.
6.4 If any provision of this contract is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, this shall not affect the rest of the contract and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
This contract sets out the rights and responsibilities between the Travel Agency and the buyer regarding tour and accommodation services. The parties have read, understood and accepted this contract. The contract enters into force immediately for card purchases via the website, and for wire transfer transactions, after the wire transfer is made and approved by the agency from the system, the contract and voucher are sent to the buyer.  It is the responsibility of the buyer whether the contract and voucher mail has arrived or not. If not, he/she should contact the agency and obtain these documents.